
Freelance Tips With Jochem

By 21 juni 2019 No Comments

“Freelance Tips With Jochem”
– By the Zen Freelancer

Onlangs werd ik geïnterviewd door Marina, oftewel the Zen Freelancer en collega bij Creatie Maakt Alles, waarin we het leven van een Freelancer bespraken en ik enkele freelance tips gaf. Het artikel is gedeeld op haar blog The Zen Freelancer en hieronder heb ik enkele passages gedeeld. Het complete artikel is hier terug te lezen. 

Why did you decide to become a freelancer?

That’s a rather long story. I’ve always had the idea that working as a freelancer was something for me. But I never knew what I wanted to be or how to begin. Let alone that I didn’t have any idea when would be the right time to start.

During my education, I learned that the marketing and communications business was my thing. When I just graduated I thought it would be wise to gain more knowledge and experience before getting started as a freelancer and entrepreneur.

I’ve worked for 5 years in several marketing and communication roles. At my last job prior to my entrepreneurship, I met Hanneke, the mastermind behind ‘Creatie Maakt Alles’. When I told her I wanted to quit my job because I was searching for a new challenge and opportunity, she offered me the chance to start as a freelancer and help her with ‘Creatie Maakt Alles’.

At that point, everything came together. All the dots got connected. I realized that this was the right time to start, I had enough experience and this was one of those rare opportunities that come once in a lifetime.

There are two reasons why I wanted to work as a freelancer:

One: It offers me the freedom that I long for. I’m not the type of person that can work from 9 till 5 at the same office for the same brand. I need diversity in clients and the ability to plan my own schedule. A funny fact, since I work as a freelancer I make a lot more hours than the 40 hours that I needed to make for my boss. Because working as a freelancer doesn’t feel like working at all. It is my passion and it goes naturally.

Two: At large companies, you’ve got to work in a team with several management layers. This means that there’s a lot of debate because everyone has his own opinion. When you have an original idea, in the end, it becomes an average idea because at a large company people are quite conservative and it takes a long time before changes are implemented. It’s nice to help other companies with their marketing and communication and to build on their success. And also, small and medium-sized companies get things done much quicker.

What’s the best advice you can give to the people who’re making their first freelancing steps?

Just go for it! Set realistic goals for yourself. Try to be humble and try to learn from everything you do, especially the mistakes you’ll make. Because the mistakes will always come, and that’s a good thing. Self-discipline and a positive attitude are two important qualities.

What would you say to the people who hate being trapped in their office from 9 to 5 but don’t see another option to make a living?

Don’t try to live according to other people’s expectations. Set yourself free and start living your own life. Nothing is certain in the short amount of time that we’re here, on this planet, so you’d better try to live the life in the way you want it.

What’s the best part of being a freelancer according to you?

The diversity. Sometimes I work for five different companies per day. I like to dive into a company, get to know it and then translate their values, targets, and strategy to content. I just love the fact that I can work for a construction company, a ski web shop, a wine trade and accountancy firm on the same day.

But also the freedom to choose the people I want to work with. Either customers or colleague freelancers. It’s nice to determine your own pace and workload.

The fact that I can easily get things done without being stuck in internal politics and negative vibes in a company is also quite positive.


Author Jochem

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